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  • Do the risks outweigh the potential benefits of low testosterone therapy?

    Drug Injury

    Earlier this year, the FDA issued a Drug Safety Communication alerting the public of its investigation into “Low Testosterone Therapy” medications. These drugs were FDA approved ONLY for men “who…
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  • Where Will Your Case Be Filed: Likelihood of Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) In Testosterone Therapy Lawsuits

    Drug Injury

    A key component to successfully resolving claims against medical device or pharmaceutical companies is venue. Venue is the Court where your case is filed. Venue depends on a variety of…
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  • FDA Approves New “Low T” Treatment, Despite Heart Attack Risks

    Drug Injury

    All medications available to patients in the United States must undergo a rigorous testing and approval process to ensure they’re safe to use; however, medications are sometimes approved that are…
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  • Study Shows “Low T” Treatments May Increase Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

    Drug Injury

    Getting older can be difficult for some men, considering the loss of body and bone mass, sex drive, and energy associated with aging. Science has proven many of these symptoms…
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  • New FDA-Approved Painkiller Has Many Ohio Citizens Concerned

    Drug Injury

    One of the leading causes of Drug Injury today is when a patient is given or takes too much of a medication that results in adverse health events. One of…
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